Archive for November, 2008

Welcome, Everyone!

Welcome, everyone, to my new blog! Ooh, it’s all shiny and new!

Anyway, this blog will continue the legacy of my old blog from Myspace. My thoughts about the future, technology, society, economics, philosophy, critical thinking, science, religion and more subjects like aliens, politics, stuff about the stories I eventually plan to write, and anything else I feel like posting. I will try to get out one blog a day, sometimes more, so keep those electrons flowing (but no positrons, please)!

I’ll let you go with an excerpt from one of my stories. The funniest planet ever named, colonized sometime before the year 2680. Its when the three friends, Michael Wayson, Sasha Ymenez, and Vincent are meeting each other for the first time, the day after landing on the the second planet in the Midira system: Midira c.

Michael: So, I keep wondering,  where did the name “Midira” come from anyway?

Vincent: I don’t know. Francis Williams probably just made it up.

Sasha: There’s an island in the Atlantic called Madeira. Maybe that’s where he’s from.

Vincent: No, Francis Williams was born in Northern Europe. Germany, if I remember.

Sasha: Oh.

Vincent: I wonder what’s the strangest name that has ever been given to a planet.

Michael: I don’t know, but I’m sure the planet Batman would apply.